Meet the People


The Gotita de Amor preschool in Estelí, Nicaragua continues to be a thriving multi-purpose center serving the Arnulfo Romero neighborhood and the surrounding community.

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Stevens Point/Estelí Partner City

Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners of the Americas, Inc. (W/NP) is a charter member of Partners of the Americas, Inc. The mission of the partnership is to promote understanding and develop ties of friendship between the people of Wisconsin and Nicaragua. W/NP provides unique alternatives involving people-to-people activities. The W/NP concept of partnership empowers the citizens from both countries to identify and affect change.

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Memories of the Beginning Years of our Russian Sister City Project

In 1983 the Soviet Union and the United States were in the middle of a Cold War.  Long-range nuclear missiles were aimed at each other, and many of us were very worried and feeling helpless.  To me it seemed so fruitless to think of destroying each other when we didn’t even know each other!  In my heart I felt certain that like us, in Russia there were people who would get up in the morning, brush their teeth, eat breakfast, get their children ready for school, and head to work.  All the simple, routine activities that we take for granted but which are essential to our lives and which could be gone in the press of a button!  Decisions for us on both sides of the Atlantic would be made for us by politicians and idealogues and we seemed so powerless.

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Summer English Camp Journal

The Sister City program works to promote friendship between the two cities of Rostov Veliky and Steven’s Point. As part of the program, teachers from Steven’s Point, WI are invited to teach at the gymnasium’s summer English Camp Program.

This journal includes information about the teaching program itself and the travel opportunities that could be included if you have an interest in participating in this wonderful program!

To read on, click here.